Criminal Justice

Louis wants to:

  • Increase funding for governmental and non-profit social services, including after school, theater/arts/music, peer mentoring, and vocational programs. For every ten community-building nonprofits in a neigborhood, there is a 9% drop in the murder rate, a 6% drop in violent crimes, and a 4% drop in property crimes on average. We need to fund and promote the creation of such organizations everywhere, particularly in underserved communities.

  • Encourage law enforcement officers to be hired from within the communities they serve. Communities should be made safe by the people who live in them. The state should financially reward community recruitment and training.

  • Enhance all aspects of training. When an officer must intervene, they should understand the people they are confronting. Cultural and racial competency and a good foundation in mental health issues are key.

  • Hold departments that fail to solve crimes in communities of color at rates comparable to those in white communities accountable.

  • Create independent police oversight bodies beholden to no municipal or county elected official.

  • Remove police from schools. Black students are arrested 7.4 times more often in schools with police compared to schools without police. This reinforces the school-to-prison pipeline, which government must break.

  • Remove police from traffic stops and low-level ticketing. We have the technology to automate much of the traffic enforcement armed officers are currently doing. Other unarmed services should take over this role.

  • Start aggressive gun buybacks. There are 9 million handguns in California. That means we have to buy back about 4,500 guns to prevent one homicide. Each homicide costs society roughly $17 million. At that rate, it would be worth paying almost $4,000 per gun. LAPD buys an average of 500 guns per year in one-off events at $100–$200 per weapon. Programs like this are an afterthought, but Louis wants to make them a core part of state policy.

  • Ban no-knock warrants, which lead to the deaths of innocent people each year, including Breonna Taylor.

  • Ban military grade hardware in anything but highly restricted settings. Law enforcement is not a military mission.